Sunday, March 20, 2011

Vacation Time is Over

Oh my gosh, I haven't posted a new blog since Christmas!!! Where does the time go? Actually, I do have an excuse, meager as it may be. You see, a couple of months ago, my computer had a MAJOR stroke -- it suddenly quit working,  an acute and absolute malady at fault. It seems my Motherboard had bitten the proverbial dust and would not be revived. Alas, after weeks in the intensive care unit at our local computer repair shop, another Motherboard was located and deemed an acceptable donor for a transplant. After some delay over a pay-pal account, the operation was successfully performed and my dear old computer picked up almost where it had left off before its collapse. Not to wax Pythonesque, but...there was much rejoicing! (Especially happy I did not have to try to re-load my Rosetta Stone -- I heard that could be a real nighmare!).  

Anyway, my computer was as good as new, but I was not. I had gotten quite lazy in the interim. My blogging discipline was was my Facebook interactions and forum maintenance. I had gotten used to not sitting in front of a monitor and was not wont to go back -- at least not for awhile.  I spent my time enjoying the beautiful weather we were having, visiting with my parents, coming up with new recipes for the Pillsbury Bake-Off (I think I may have a million dollar winner, by the way), doing lunch and shopping with friends, and going to lots of movies. Also, strawberry picking season started here last week, so there is another BIG diversion. I mean, everyone pauses for strawberry picking season, right?

Now, however, as I sit here munching a mouthful of strawberries, juice running down my chin, I am starting to feel like an island in a stream. I think it's time to get back on the boat and float. I took a vacation and now I am ready to pick up where I left off. Oh, if only I could find a new Motherboard to jumpstart myself!


Unknown said...

Shall await the jump start with interest!

Debbie said...

Thanks, Carole--

I actually managed to publish two blogs today! Guess I'm on a roll.

Wonder Turtle Soaps said...

Glad you're blogging again! Sometimes a little time off is just what you need to recharge. Computer problems are sooo frustrating. I didn't realize how much I relied on my computer until it had a meltdown. How in the world did we ever get by before we all had PCs and various gadgets wired up every second of every day? It is amazing how much more time you suddenly have when your computer is broken!

Debbie said...

Yes, computers are awfully convenient, but they are a real time-drain as well, aren't they? Still, hope mine keeps working for awhile now, bless its little heart!

Laura Eno said...

I know that I freak out when my computer goes down. It's nice that you spent time reconnecting with the real world, back to work! ;)

Debbie said...

Laura -- I didn't feel as bad as I probably should have when my computer went down...but, yes, I do need to be more diligent about posting those blogs!